One-click payments offer you a quick and easy payment method, drawing funds from a bank account rather than a credit card. Its simple, safe, and secure making it easier than ever to pay your school for their items, services and events.
This article will teach you...
What One-click payments is and how you can use it.
What is it?
One-click payments is a quick and easy payment option that allows you to make school purchases using your bank account instead of a credit card. This means you no longer need to type in the card details or store them for future purchases. It uses the Direct Debit service to make the payments and is therefore backed by the Direct Debit guarantee, providing additional payment security.
While Direct Debit is often used for monthly payments it's also used for individual payments too! The mandate you setup simply allows you to make repeat payments to the same provider, in this case your school.
How do I use it?
Setting up is simple. Just add your bank details to your account and authorise the direct debit mandate and you are all ready to go. You can see how to do this in the video below:
[VIDEO] How to set up One-click payments
Once setup, simply click on the 'One-click payment' button against any item you wish to pay for. There's no need to add items to a basket (though that's still possible if you like to). Just click and pay for each item you wish to purchase. You can see this being done in this video:
[VIDEO] How to use One-click payments
You may also be able to increase your child's meal balance using the Auto Top Up feature in conjunction with One-click payments. Check out the Auto Top-up article for more details on this.
What else do I need to know?
You need to make sure that you have enough money in your bank account to cover your purchases at the time the money is collected, otherwise the payment will fail, causing a delay getting your goods or a cancelation of a place.
During setup, it can take up to ten days to collect the funds of any payments. Once the setup, payments are typically collected within three working days. Please make sure you have enough funds to cover the payments you have made.
When making a payment, if you have any Parent Account credit it will automatically reduce the cost of your purchase, much like using store credit. If there is still an outstanding amount cost you will be asked to pay the remainder using your preferred payment method.
To learn more about Parent Account credit checkout How to pay with Parent Account credit
If you have any other questions or want to know more about One-click payments, check out our page at
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