Translating the ParentPay Application

In instances where our products or support documentation are not available in your preferred language you can use your browser's automatic translation feature to convert and translate the content into a language that suits you best on either Apple or Android devices.

  This article will show you...

How to translate ParentPay into different languages.

Translating ParentPay (iPhone or iPad)

  1. Download the Google Chrome Application from the App Store.
  2. Open Chrome and type in the following link '' to access ParentPay or alternatively click this link to access the ParentPay Login page. 
  3. Upon accessing the Login page, tap the Three Dots [1]. Please note these may appear on the top or bottom of the screen depending on the device you are using.
    1. 3 Dots.png
  4. Select Translate [2].
    2. Transalte.png
  5. After selecting Translate a pop-up message will appear saying the page has been translated, within the pop-up press the Gear Icon [3].
    3. Gear Icon.png
  6. Touch the To Box [4] to view a list of languages to choose from. 
    4. To Button.png
  7. Tap on your preferred Language [5].
    5. Language List.png
  8. Tap Translate [6]. 
    6. Translate Button.png
  9. Upon pressing Translate, the website will now be converted to the preferred language. To revert back to English press Show Original [7].
    7. Revert.png

Translating ParentPay (Android)

  1. Download the Google Chrome Application from Play Store.
  2. Open Chrome and type in the following link '' to access ParentPay or alternatively click this link to access the ParentPay Login page.
  3. Once the site loads, tap the Three Dots [1] on the top right of the screen.
    8. 3 Dots Again.png
  4. Tap Translate [2].
    9. Transalte.png
  5. The following screen will appear. It will automatically translate if you have a language already selected, if not; click the Gear Icon [3] and select More Languages [4].
    10. Android Mre Lnaguages.png
  6. A list of Languages [5] will appear to select from. Select the language you want by clicking on it and the site will be instantly translated into your chosen language.
  7. To switch the translation off, click Undo [6].
  8. To translate to another language click the Gear Icon [7], Click again in the to box to select the new language (following steps 6 and 7).
    11. Settings Icon.png

Translating ParentPay (Desktop/Laptop)

While many browsers provide language translation services the following instructions are for the Chrome web browser.  This is freely available to download and use.

  1. Download and install the Chrome browser (if not already installed). 
    Google Chrome – Download the fast, secure browser from Google
  2. Once configured, open Chrome and search for ParentPay
  3. Select the link labelled ParentPay
    (This will show as
  4. Using the three dots (also known as Kebab menu) select Translate.
  5. Select the three dots again and then choose the language you wish to display the screen in.

Videos that already have closed captions 

We have translated our parent application support videos into eight of the most commonly used languages in the UK. You will see these videos in other support articles that start with [VIDEO] and can use closed captions (CC) to choose one of the following languages:

  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (From Portugal)
  • Indian Punjabi
  • Spanish (From Spain)
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Welsh

Not found what you need?

For faster support, it is always best to contact your school first. They’ll be able to help with most issues. If you need to report an issue to us, we require that you log in to your account first. This allows us to securely identify you and your school right away. If you can’t log in, you can still log an issue with us though it will take longer to process. 

Click here to contact support

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