How Do I Update My Details in ParentPay?

Once activated, your ParentPay account is yours to manage. If you change name, telephone number or address all of this should be kept up to date by you.

  This article will teach you...

How to update your details

  1. First login to ParentPay as usual.
  2. Next, navigate to the menu option
  3. Select Profile Settings.                                       
  4. From here choose the relevant area you wish to update e.g. Email addresses.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to record the change.


Some details may require your password or a verification process e.g. text message being sent to verify the changes.

Not found what you need?

For faster support, it is always best to contact your school first. They’ll be able to help with most issues. If you need to report an issue to us, we require that you log in to your account first. This allows us to securely identify you and your school right away. If you can’t log in, you can still log an issue with us though it will take longer to process. 

Click here to contact support

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