How Do I Reset a Password for ParentPay?

Parents must reset their own password by following the instructions below:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the appropriate login option i.e. Parent Login.
  3. Select the Forgotten your password? link above the login button.
  4. Enter your Email/Username for the account.
  5. Select Next.
  6. Choose one of the available email addresses or mobile numbers to send the reset code to.


    This list will always show your primary email address in addition to additional recovery options that have been configured.

  7. A password reset link, along with instructions, will be sent (valid for 24 hours).

Forgotten username

If you have forgotten your username contact your school or whoever provided you with your login details for a reminder.


Not found what you need?

For faster support, it is always best to contact your school first. They’ll be able to help with most issues. If you need to report an issue to us, we require that you log in to your account first. This allows us to securely identify you and your school right away. If you can’t log in, you can still log an issue with us though it will take longer to process. 

Click here to contact support


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