Request a new PIN

If you have forgotten your PIN:

  • On the login screen click on Forgotten PIN
  • Enter the email address and mobile number that is registered with the school.


If you get an error message advising the details don’t match, please check the school have the correct contact details for you.

  • A PIN will be sent on a text.
  • Enter the 4 digit PIN number received via text.
  • Once logged in the home screen will be displayed.

Once you have logged in:

To change your PIN on an IOS device:

  • To change your current PIN, on the home screen click on the 3 horizontal dots
  • Click on ‘Change PIN’
  • Input a memorable PIN number and save
  • You will need this PIN each time you login so keep it safe!

To change your PIN on an Android device:

  • To change your current PIN, on the home screen click on the cog
  • Click on ‘Change PIN’
  • Input a memorable PIN number and save
  • You will need this PIN each time you login so keep it safe!


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