Change or cancel a club booking

When a booking is cancelled a credit will be applied to the balance to reverse the charge that was created when the booking was made. When a booking is changed a credit will be applied to the balance to reverse the charge that was created when the booking was made, and a new charge will be applied.

To Cancel or amend a Club booking on the app:

  • Click on Clubs
  • Click on the club you want to cancel the session on
  • Click on Manage Bookings
  • Find the date you want to cancel and swipe from right to left
  • Click on the bin icon to delete and click on Yes to confirm

Or if you want to change the booking choice (if the club has more than one booking choice) you can click on the session and you will be given the option to select an alternative booking choice. Once selected click Yes to confirm the booking, the booking choice will then update.

To cancel a Club booking on the web version of School Gateway:

  • Click on the Club you want to cancel the session on
  • Find the session on the calendar you want to cancel
  • You will then see two icons on the session, a Bin and a Pencil, to cancel the session
  • Click on the Bin icon
  • Click yes to confirm

To change the booking choice (if the club has more than one booking choice) you can click on the Pencil and you will be given the option to select an alternative booking choice. Once selected, click Yes to confirm the booking.


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