How do I activate my account?


To create a new account, you will need to have the account activation letter provided by your school to hand. You will also need to be able to access your email as your email address will become your new username and is used for the verification process.
If you have lost your activation letter or not yet received it, please contact your school.

Please note: if you have previously had a ParentPay account you should attempt to login to this account and follow the add a child process, rather than creating a new one.

  1. Navigate to


  1. Select Login at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Enter the username and password (activation codes) provided in your account activation letter and select Login. Please note: The user details are case sensitive and for one-time use only. They will become invalid after account activation


  1. Confirm the details are correct and enter the date of birth for your child and click Confirm
  2. Complete the activation as detailed on the screen.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to successfully activate the account. You will need to enter in their name, an email address and select a password for the account (your email address will become your username). Read the ParentPay terms and conditions and click in the box to accept at the bottom of the page then click Activate account.
  4. A verification email will be sent to you. You will need to click on the link within the email to complete the process and access their account.


Not found what you need?

For faster support, it is always best to contact your school first. They’ll be able to help with most issues. If you need to report an issue to us, we require that you log in to your account first. This allows us to securely identify you and your school right away. If you can’t log in, you can still log an issue with us though it will take longer to process. 

Click here to contact support

Closing your ParentPay Account

If you wish to deactivate your ParentPay account please use the following link to contact ParentPay support will assist you:

Click here to contact support

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