My Child Is Moving Schools, What Should I Do?

As your child leaves their old school you should aim to clear any debt or request refunds for any balances still owed to you.

Money already paid to a school is no longer within ParentPay and must be refunded by the school in order for you to use it elsewhere within your ParentPay account or arrange a withdrawal.

Once the old school complete their new year processes (usually at the start of a new academic year), your child will be archived from your account and will no longer be visible.

If your child’s new school is using ParentPay, this school will send out activation codes in order for you to add a child to your ParentPay account.

Please note: There may be a short period where you have both schools set up for the same child on your account.  If this occurs then the school name will be appended to your childs name so that you can differentiate between them.  Once the old account is archived the school name will once again be removed as it will be unnecessary.



Not found what you need?

For faster support, it is always best to contact your school first. They’ll be able to help with most issues. If you need to report an issue to us, we require that you log in to your account first. This allows us to securely identify you and your school right away. If you can’t log in, you can still log an issue with us though it will take longer to process. 

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