How to Get a PayPoint Card for Meal Payments

You may not want to, or be able to, use ParentPay to pay for your child's school dinners. This offers an alternative method of payment.

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How to order a PayPoint Card for Meals

If you would like to pay for your child’s school meals via PayPoint, please contact your school. They can order you a PayPoint card and while you wait for this card to arrive, provide you with a barcoded letter to enable you to make meal payments. If you have more than one child at the school you will need a PayPoint card for each child.


There is a small handling charge for ordering these cards, please discuss this with your school

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For faster support, it is always best to contact your school first. They’ll be able to help with most issues. If you need to report an issue to us, we require that you log in to your account first. This allows us to securely identify you and your school right away. If you can’t log in, you can still log an issue with us though it will take longer to process. 

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